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CARESTAR Grants Emergency Coronavirus Funds to CDC Foundation

Berkeley, California – March 20, 2020 – In an effort to quickly support fast-emerging public health needs and inequities resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the CARESTAR Foundation today released a $100,000 grant to the Centers For Disease Control Foundation. The funds are earmarked to support coronavirus efforts specifically in California, including public health activities to identify, contain and prevent further transmission.

“Given our ability to act swiftly and flexibly as a relatively new Foundation, we wanted to provide funding that would immediately get to areas and organizations in need across California.”

According to CARESTAR’s Program Officer Jodi Ravel, MPH, “Given our ability to act swiftly and flexibly as a relatively new Foundation, we wanted to provide funding that would immediately get to areas and organizations in need across California. The CDC Foundation’s Emergency Response Fund is already established and actively helping cities and counties all over California, for instance in heavily impacted areas such as Santa Clara and Alameda counties.”

“We are grateful to the CDC Foundation for activating their network and infrastructure, and partnering with funders and donors so quickly, to help individuals and organizations throughout our state.” she added.

The CDC’s activities include expanding testing and data capabilities, deploying emergency staffing to front lines at the state and local level, and developing education and awareness campaigns in multiple languages.

The CARESTAR Foundation will continue to investigate and engage in COVID-19 response efforts, particularly focusing on highly vulnerable populations, community-based organizations providing support at the local level, and the needs of emergency responders and other healthcare providers.

About the CARESTAR Foundation

The CARESTAR Foundation was founded as a result of the sale of CALSTAR (California Shock Trauma Air Rescue) and honors CALSTAR’S legacy and lifesaving work in the field of emergency and trauma care. CARESTAR’s mission is to strengthen connections and foster partnerships in California’s injury prevention, emergency response, and trauma care landscape to improve outcomes for all Californians.


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