To improve health outcomes for all Californians, we use a racial equity lens to fund and advocate for improvements in emergency and prehospital care.
All Californians experience emergency and prehospital care that is equitable, unified and compassionate.
The lives of people touched by trauma or injury dramatically improve because they receive the appropriate care, services and support they need to heal and prevent re-injury.
We believe all people deserve to thrive, yet our current emergency response system falls short of that aspiration. To ensure that more people are protected and benefit from our collective systems, we seek to understand and address systemic barriers to fair treatment, access, and opportunity, and the root causes of health disparities.
We understand that our world is inherently interconnected. Thus, we aim to address collective well-being and to be in solidarity with those who experience the greatest risk and harm. We approach our work with a systems mindset and commitment to achieving our mission through collaboration and partnerships.
We base our work in compassion, respect, and care for all, and our deep commitment to work for the common good. By addressing the needs of people of color and others vulnerable to the greatest risk and harm, we can truly benefit everyone.
We believe change is possible, and are optimistic that with strategic, innovative, and thoughtful efforts, CARESTAR and its partners can contribute to transforming systems and saving lives.